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island chain中文是什么意思

用"island chain"造句"island chain"怎么读"island chain" in a sentence


  • 岛链


  • Slamming into the island chain with a cataclysmic force never before witnessed
  • . . . slamming into the island chain with a cataclysmic force never before witnessed
    . . .以从未见过的风力横扫了群岛
  • Go to the extremities of japan ' s long island chain , however , and the picture is less bright
  • Hawaiians exist in an island chain closest to the epicenter of the earth mother ' s global heart chakra
  • The disputed area between eastern china and japan ' s southern island chain of okinawa is rich in gas deposits
  • The disputed area between eastern china and japan ' s southern island chain of okinawa is rich in gas deposits
  • The 343 - km 213 - mile andaman trunk road , completed in 1989 , was designed as an economic lifeline to link the island chain
  • Taking months to traverse the pacific , rossby waves march to the western boundary of the pacific basin , which is modeled as a smooth wall but in reality consists of quite irregular island chains , such as , the philippines and indonesia
    用了几个月横穿太平洋, r波到达太平洋海盆的西部边界,被模拟成一堵平滑的墙壁,但是实际上,是由很不规则的岛屿链组成,比如,菲律宾群岛和印度尼西亚群岛。
  • As one of the most beautiful places on earth , the 137 islands , islets and shoals that make up the hawaiian island chain sit at the northern tip of the polynesian triangle , an expanse of ocean roughly the size of europe and north america combined
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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